
Brussels – VUB Mobilise
The Brussels UTL project launched on the 17th of September 2023 and will be ongoing during 2024 – The Brussels project follows a participatory action research approach to explore how public transport is embedded in popular narratives in the Brussels context, how personal experience and peer-learning from other users’ experiences can support modal shift, and if non-financial incentives such as social media exposure can facilitate modal shift. This is a collaboration with VUB Mobilise, The Brussels Centre for Urban Studies and STIB/MVIB.

Warsaw – ZTM
Warsaw UTL was a pilot project that took place during 2023 which included 8 participants from different areas of the city and with very different perspectives of public transport. It consisted of a month long participatory engagement process and media content outputs that were created during October of 2023. This was a collaboration with the Warsaw Public Transport Agency.
Urban Transit Lab
Urban Transit Lab is a space for innovation, reflection and creativity. We welcome collaboration ideas and enjoy having exploratory sessions with a wide range of institutions, universities, organisations and local authorities. Feel free to reach out for an introductory meeting.